Monday, February 11, 2019

Comparison of both advertisments.

Compare the ways in which media language elements have been selected and combined in your 2 allocated advertisements - 

In the Shelter advert there are 3 pale looking individuals sort of sighing towards the camera. Shelter are an organisation that help the homeless by seeking donations from other people. In the Shelter advert there is close - ups of all 3 people. they all seem to look like they have tears in their eyes, which may indicate them being pain or even anxious because they are homeless. These people are obviously actors but they way they are presented in the advert is mainly rough and scared. The man has an unshaven beard which may indicate that he is 'living rough'. this connotates that he may be miserable or even depressed from the fact of being homeless. From the use of the word 'we', it may indicate that the women on the far left of the advert may be a single mother caring for her children. This is also a stereotypical view towards a broken family because women are always considered to be the carer of the children if the father leaves. The use of the darkness surrounding the actors may be used to highlight that they are alone, or even that they feel like they are alone because they have nowhere else to go. This is also connotated through the use of 'I' for the women on the far right of the advertisement. Also, the fact that there are no famous people being used in the advert makes the advert more powerful because it shows that anyone can become homeless, even people close to others.

In the WFF advert there are Tuna fish in a dark ocean promoting the fact that the fish are becoming extinct. The use of the darkness surrounding the fish may highlight the fishes future. It connotates that the fish are living in 'dark' times are they are being hunted to extinction. From the use of ‘I’, the advert makes it seem like it’s a personal message from the tuna fish as it uses first person.  This is used to make people feel sad about hunting the tuna fish. This is done as a final attempt to make people feel sad about hunting the fish. On one of the Tuna fish, it is wearing a Panda mask. Panda's are currently an endangered animal. this highlights that WFF are trying to show Tuna fish as an important animal like panda's. This may also highlight that WFF are trying to show that tuna fish are important by linking them to Panda's which are popular animals around the world - maybe to try and make people like tuna fishes even more in order to make people stop hunting them. The problem is that Tuna is a very popular food around the world, therefore people want to keep eating it, which leads to more and more being hunted. Tuna fish usually travel in tribes, but in the advert there are only 10 tunas. WFF have done this to show that the number of tuna fishes are depleting fast. The font for the advert is very bold. This may be done to make it stand out for the audience to be able to see it straight away (eye-catching). 

Overall, although both the adverts are presented differently, they are actually quite similar. Both adverts ask for help to stop either homelessness or extinction. Both adverts use similar methods as well, such as surrounding the people and the tuna fish in darkness, to create a dramatic affect. Both the fonts are very similar as well - bold and eye-catching. This is done in order to catch the eye of the audience, so that they will read the message portrayed in the advert more easier. This is done as an attempt to encourage people to help those in need - and in this instance, the people who have became homeless and the close to extinction Tuna fish. 

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