Monday, October 8, 2018

Editing using premier pro.

In this task we had to construct a 60 second video on premier pro. We mainly just had to edit the video by adding the music we was given (oops upside your head) and certain videos we was given. I tried to produce my video in the most professional way possible which was quite hard because my sound does not work in the Mac so I could not tell if the video was out go beat wit the music in the background. I also trued to make my video look professional.

1) I found editing the video the easiest part of the task. after I was shown what to do I understood the task completely.
2)The difficult part of the task was making the music in rhythm with the videos we were given because I had to sound to work with. meaning that I had no clue whether the music was even in beat.
3)The main challenge was that my Mac had no sound, which made my task harder than it should have been. In the end I just went through my video and guessed the beat and tried putting the videos in line with the beats by trying to remember the song in my head.

  • I thought how I ordered the separate videos in  to one large video really made the video look better than it was. It made the video look more technical than it was as well.
  • I think if my mac had sound my video would have been better because I would have been able to put the videos in tune with the music in the background. Also if my mac had sound I would have been able to know hen the beat drops or gets higher in the music, meaning I could have edited each certain video to change with the beat, making my video even better.

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